Laboratory Classes
- Regulamin zajęć laboratoryjnych z przedmiotu Przyrządy i układy mocy
- Laboratory Regulations for the course in Power Devices and Systems
Note: The above regulations require you to get acquainted with and comply with the general regulations in force in the laboratory room which are available on the Laboratory Room page.
Class concept
In laboratory classes, you will carry out:
- an introductory exercise
- six experimental exercises on ready-made circuits
- a prototyping exercise comprised of design, assembly and commissionning of a circuit
- an experimental exercise using your own prototyped circuit
The letter that follows the number indicates the aspect that a given exercise concerns:
- F: physics (Polish: fizyka), so operation bases
- P: device (Polish: przyrząd), so power semiconductor devices
- U: circuit (Polish: układ), so electronic converters
- K: prototyping (Polish: konstrukcja), so design, assembly and commissionning
Exercise schedule
Full-time programme (PiUM), 2018/19; (PDS) 2019/20
Part-time programme (PiUM), 2018/19
Exercise locations in the laboratory room
A plan of the room can be found on the Laboratory Room page.
Exercises 1F, 7K, 6U i 3U are carried out at all the laboratory stands.
Exercises 3P to 6P, 2U and 5U are carried out as follows:
Exercise | 3P | 4P | 5P | 6P | 2U | 5U |
Stand | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 1 |