Laboratory Room
Laboratory classes take place in the Power Electronics Laboratory of the Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science, denoted laboratory PPM in the timetable. It is located in the Department’s main building, bldg. B18, Wólczańska St. 221/223 (marked with a red baloon with a dot in the map beside), ground floor, room no. 8.
There is a fairly capacious University parking space in front of the Department. If it becomes fully occupied, there is the parking space between the Main Library and the Sports Bay at a short distance.
Next to the entrance to the building, bike racks have been provided.
Familiarity with and observance of the following regulations is a necessary condition for working in the Power Electronics Laboratory (lab PPM).
- Safety Regulations for the Power Electronics Laboratory
- Regulamin porządkowy Laboratorium elektroniki mocy
Załącznik 1 – Pracownicy i doktoranci o szczególnych uprawnieniach - Ulotka ze skrótem Regulaminu porządkowego i planem laboratorium – zalecamy jej wydrukowanie i noszenie ze sobą szczególnie studentom uczestniczącym w zajęciach o charakterze konstrukcyjnym i realizującym prace dyplomowe
Ulotka ma na celu ułatwienie stosowania Regulaminu na co dzień; nie zastępuje go ani nie zwalnia z obowiązku jego znajomości. W razie wątpliwości należy odwołać się do pełnego tekstu Regulaminu.
We would like to provide access to the laboratory for every student at any time. Unfortunately, this is not possible due to a number of reasons beyond the the control of laboratory supervisor and teachers. The most important are:
- the high value of the equipment,
- the room being located on the ground floor, at a large distance from the employees’ offices and inconveniently relative to the technical staff room,
- considerable course load in some terms,
- limited employees’ working hours.
For these reasons, the rules contained in Order Regulations apply.
List of students with permanent authorisation to work in the laboratory
Informacja dostępna wyłącznie w sieci wewnętrznej.
Room plan
For a resolution adequate for printing, see the Order Regulations leaflet above.