Rules Applicable to Reports (PDS)


Reports not complying with the following rules will not be assessed!

Please also read and observe the general rules and guidelines concerning reports in my classes (not only PDS). Nevertheless, in case of any discrepancy, rules given here on this page and in “Report editing rules” prevail! (and not those given on the other web page)

  1. Reports should be prepared in accordance with Laboratory Regulations (available on the Laboratory Classes sub-page). Teams that violate those regulations will meet penalties indicated there.
  2. A report should contain all the items found in its template (except for facultative points, marked with *). An exception is made when I explicitly let you skip some points (including when their carrying out was obviously and objectively impossible), which should be stated in the appropriate space provided in the template. A report where parts are missing without a suitable explanation will be returned to you as failed.
  3. A first report on a given exercise must be delivered in hardcopy (paper) and, additionally, sent in the electronic form. Subsequent revisions may be delivered in either form. If possible, reports should be printed two-sided.
  4. Names of documents delivered in the electronic form must follow the pattern pds-t-e-r, where t, e and r are the contents of the Team, Excercise and Revision fields found on the cover page, respectively.
    Example: pds-98-2u-1.pdf for a first report by Team 98 on exercise 2U; pds-98-2u-2.pdf for its (first time) revised version.
  5. Once a report is delivered, it remains in the archive. It can be borrowed under the condition that it is returned intact when delivering its next revision at the latest.
  6. Any accepted report may be improved once at any time until the end of the examination period.
  7. Any failed report must be improved in a two laboratory sessions’ time. As a rule, such a report can be improved twice; if revision 3 is not passed, then the exercise in question has to be retaken.
  8. The laboratory part of the course must be settled by the end of the current (i.e. the winter one in the case of PDS) examination period. Neither improving or catching up is possible afterwards.