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Regarding the Power Devices and Systems course, see additional requirements found on the course web site (Laboratory Classes page > Laboratory regulations, “Report editing rules” on the Resources page as well as on the Teachers page under my name). Those requirements take precedence over what you can read on this page!


  1. Rules concerning deadlines, contents, team work conditions etc. result from the regulations in force for the course in question as well as from informations that were provided in the first laboratory session or that are communicated throughout the term.
  2. Reports should be prepared on your own and based on your own results. Violating this rule will be the worst solution in any situation. Such a violation will cause:
    1. the exercise to have to be repeated,
    2. your score to be reduced and
    3. you to bear the consequences indicated in Study regulations.
  3. If for any reasons I let you not execute some portion of the exercise or I changed its programme, you should include information about this fact in your report.
  4. The report should be written in the correct form of the language of instruction. As this is a European university, British English is the language standard to be followed.

Delivering and improving

  1. Reports may be delivered in hardcopy (paper) or in an electronic form.
  2. Electronic documents must be readable with one of the following applications: LibreOffice 6.x, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Microsoft Office Word 2016.
  3. The name of a file must contain an abbreviation of the course name, your laboratory account number, the exercise/task number in question and your name (if it is not a team’s work).
  4. Each report can be improved, two times at maximum.
  5. An improved report:
    • if in paper, should be prepared in the form of an amendment (errata) to the original report, i.e. it should only contain those fragments that have been modified or added, or that should be deleted (you may of course include the closest context such as a complete sentence, paragraph, table etc.);
    • if in the electronic form, should contain the complete original document with modified, added or deleted fragments clearly marked.
  6. If passing the report is required for the course in question, but it is failed, the appropriately revised version must be delivered in seven days’ time (or by the following laboratory session, whichever comes later).
  7. In any other case, an amendment may be delivered in 14 days’ time (or by the second following class, whichever comes later).
  8. A first version of a report delivered in paper should be handed in in person. Further revisions can be left as well in the teacher’s box in the building B18, 1st floor (shelf cabinet by the black printer).
  9. A report in electronic form can only be delivered by e-mail and must be sent from its author’s TUL student account ( address). Otherwise, it will be deemed not delivered.


  1. The report should be arranged in a structured and logical way, preferably reflecting the task sequence as found in the instruction manual (conclusions may obviously be given immediately after results they refer to).
  2. The contents should relate to the exercise in question and be based on the results that you obtained and included in the report in a numerical, graphical or descriptive form.
  3. The score does not depend on report length. Less but clever conclusions will be scored higher than more but not-so-clever conclusions.
  4. Observations, interpretations or conclusions contradicting the results found in the report will certainly cause the report to be failed.
  5. Copying excerpts from an instruction manual (including exercise goals, descriptions of measurement setups, detailed task instructions) is pointless. Usually the same applies to figures (including schematics) unless you mark something in them or address them specifically.
  6. If you perform any calculations (whether single or multiple), please include all the formulae you used in their very exact form.
  7. Letter symbols should be unambiguous, compliant with the appropriate European Standard and preferably all explained.
  8. Results issued from series of measurements should be collected in tables. Columns should be logically ordered, i.e. measurement conditions should go first, results of measurements performed under these conditions, next and results of calculations based on those measurements, last; or, causes (inputs) should go first and effects (outputs), next. Columns should be labelled in the first row. If results for the same series of measurements are found in multiple tables, subsequent rows in those tables should be numbered in an identical way.
  9. Graphs should be fully labelled, i.e. you should label axes and if there are multiple curves, you should include a legend (which may be common for multiple graphs if this is made clear). Writing about a red curve in a report printed in black and white does not make any sense; different line styles are used in such cases. It must also be made clear for what conditions (circuit parameters or configuration) a given graph has been obtained. Use graph type proper for what you want to illustrate; the choice between points, lines, bars or pie cannot be arbitrary, because none of these types is suitable for every case.
  10. The accuracy (number of significant digits) of numerical values included should correspond (at least roughly) to the uncertainty of their determination (readout, calculation, measurement).
  11. Numerical values (at least for final results) must be provided together with their respective units. This also applies to tables and graphs. According to the engineering practice, use prefixes instead of the x∙10n notation (except when there is a value span over several orders of magnitude) or, even worse, the xEn one.