Power Devices and Systems

Electronics and Telecommunications, Telecommunications and Computer Science, First Degree, 3rd Semester

Obsolete Exercises

Subsequent manuals and resources are published only when it is possible and needed. For preparation for an exercise, the version in force is the one available 6 days before the date of carrying out a given exercise (e.g. the version published on previous Wednesday or earlier for a course held on Tuesday).

For carrying out an exercise (contents of parts C and D), you are advised to always use the newest version as it may contain changes and complements that make carrying out easier.

Version numbers are composed of three numbers. A change in 1st position means that a complete change of exercise topic, course of the exercise or the investigated circuit has taken place. A change in 2nd position denotes that the course of the exercise has been partly modified; there may be a considerable change in point numbering, report contents, test scope. A change in 3rd position denotes small changes without any considerable effect on exercise carrying out (unclear fragments and errors may have been eliminated which should make carrying out the exercise easier).

In manuals (except for Exercise 7), asterisks mark tasks or task fragments that are not required to pass the exercise but that affect your score (see Laboratory Regulations available on the Laboratory Classes page).


Manual 0 is indended to serve as an introduction to power electronics. It is entirely composed of references to original textbooks. We tried to reference the least number of different textbooks possible, as well as to include as long fragments from a single reference as possible. However, this has not always been possible and has brought about discrepancies between the English and the Polish manuals (these only involve topics that are not essential for exercises and tests). References listed under Chapters 1—2 (1st set) concern systems, i.e. power electronic converters; those listed under Chapters 3—4 (2nd set) concern devices, i.e. power semiconductor devices.

In these references, basic concepts and problems have been explained that are important to understand the lecture and laboratory exercises. Therefore, we recommend getting acquainted with them entirely. It is best to read the first set while Exercise 2 is being carried out, and the second set, while Exercise 1 is.

The material listed in Manual 0 is not to be learnt by heart. Only some selected problems, enumerated at the end of the respective manuals, are the basis for tests after Exercises 2 and 1.

Exercise 2

Exercise 1

Exercise 3

Exercise 6

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 7